Outstream Ads


The VastPro plugin allows you to play OUTSTREAM video ads (vast and non-standard) in the same way as other video ad systems supported by Nuevodevel plugins. Outstream video ads are a great way to boost your ad revenues, especially on pages without dedicated video content.
An outstream video ad is a video ad without content following it. Only the ad is displayed to the viewer. The video ad type must be linear creative preroll. Non-linear ads, industry icons, and companions will be ignored.
The Vast-Pro plugin accepts preroll VAST linear ad or non-standard ad.
The outstream ad player is muted and starts playing automatically. Playback is paused when the player goes out of the viewport and resumed when it is back in the viewport. The outstream ad player mainly appears inside text-based content, like articles. However, there is no limit on the player's size or position. Can be a full-size mid-size player, floated or centered inside the article, fixed to one of the page corners, etc.
Article floated right Fixed right-bottom
Outstream ads playback is available for all advertising plugins offered by Nuevodevel.com. Setup an available options have been described dedictaed demo page. This is how the basic setup of the outstream ad player with the VASPro plugin can look like:
Code snippet
// Setup video element without source(s)
<video id="my_player" class="video-js" controls playsinline width="640" height="360">
// Load skin css and necessary JavaScripts
<link href="//www.domain.com/videojs/skins/nuevo/videojs.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//www.domain.com/videojs/videojs.min.css" rel="stylesheet"></script>
<script src="//www.domain.com/videojs/plugins/vastpro.js" rel="stylesheet"></script>
// Initialize the player and plugins
const player = videojs("my_player", {license: "key"});
player.vast (
{tagURL: "vast-ad-tag-url"}
The same like Vast/Vpaid and Vroll plugins, VastPro features oustreamvisit mode. In this mode ad click is processed through the Visit button instead of the video element click. Clickable Visit button is also displayed once video ad is ended.
Code snippet
player.nuevo({ outstream:true, outstreamvisit:true });
The same like for Vast/Vpaid and Vroll plugins, you can define and display Ad Info icon.
Code snippet
player.nuevo({ outstream:true, adInfo:"url-to-ad-info-page" });
The VAST PRO plugin is a separate product, working with th video.js player and Nuevo plugin.
A lifetime license can be ordered upon the first Nuevo software order, or at any time later in the client area.