VAST Icons


VAST 3.0 introduced the <Icons> element, which is offered under the creative element. When the element is included in the VAST response, the video player must display the icon object as an overlay on top of the Linear Ad with which the icon is served and after the ad video has started.
According to the VAST specification, the icon is displayed at the position indicated by the XPosition and YPosition properties included in the icon data and at the size defined by the width and height properties. Values of "left" or "right" for XPosition are also accepted and indicate the leftmost or rightmost position for the icon asset. Values of "top" or "bottom" for YPosition indicate the topmost or bottommost available position for the icon asset.
The player above makes use of this VAST protocol with a single pre-roll video ad and one icon in the bottom left corner of the player above ad's link dsiplayed due to the link clickthroughMethod configuration option enabled. The example icon is a png image (static resource). The VAST specification also allows for the use of HTML code (HTMLResource) and/or iframe (IFrameResource) to render icon assets.

It is possible to render multiple icons for a single linear ad; however. In the example below, the player makes use of this VAST protocol to play a single pre-roll video and render 3 icons (top-left, top-right and bottom-left), two as HTML Resources and one as static PNG image.

The VAST PRO plugin is a separate product, working with th video.js player and Nuevo plugin.
A lifetime license can be ordered upon the first Nuevo software order, or at any time later in the client area.