The player above makes use of this VAST protocol with a single pre-roll video ad and one icon in the bottom left corner of the player above ad's link dsiplayed due to the link
clickthroughMethodconfiguration option enabled. The example icon is a png image (static resource). The VAST specification also allows for the use of HTML code (HTMLResource) and/or iframe (IFrameResource) to render icon assets.
It is possible to render multiple icons for a single linear ad; however. In the example below, the player makes use of this VAST protocol to play a single pre-roll video and render 3 icons (top-left, top-right and bottom-left), two as HTML Resources and one as static PNG image.
The VAST PRO plugin is a separate product, working with th video.js player and Nuevo plugin.
A lifetime license can be ordered upon the first Nuevo software order, or at any time later in the client area.
A lifetime license can be ordered upon the first Nuevo software order, or at any time later in the client area.