VAST Companion Ads


Served with Linear or NonLinear ads, Companion Ads are displayed outside the video player. A Companion Ad is commonly displayed as a standard banner (image) or rich media ad (html resource or iframe). The VAST protocol may include multiple companions within the <CompanionAds> Creative element.
The player above makes use of this VAST protocol with a single linear pre-roll ad, and five different companion ads. The first companion is an HTML resource rendered above the player; the next two companions are PNG static images below the player. The next following companion ad is another static PNG image aligned left to the Rendering Rules text below. Finally, the last companion is an HTML resource rendered below the text. Just start video playback to see all the ads mentioned.


To render a companion ad, you need to declare the ad slot ID in the VAST document and create an empty element with the same ID in your HTML page. If an element with a specific ID is not found, the plugin will search for an HTML element with a vjs-companion class name. You can have multiple elements with the same class name to render multiple companion ads.

The VAST PRO plugin is a separate product, working with th video.js player and Nuevo plugin.
A lifetime license can be ordered upon the first Nuevo software order, or at any time later in the client area.