Setup HTML5 video tag to embed your video. You must set unique 'id' attribute for video element, different for each next player instance on same web page. Include/exclude video attributes as you would do for standard HTML5 video element.
<video id="example_video_1" class="video-js" controls preload="auto" playsinline width="640" height="360" poster="//"><source src="//" type="video/mp4" /><source src="//" type="video/webm" /></video>
<video id="example_video_1" class="video-js vjs-fluid" controls preload="auto" playsinline width="640" height="360" poster="//">
<script src="//"></script><script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script><script src="//"></script>
<script>var player=videojs("example_video_1");player.nuevo({// plugin option1, plugin option2, plugin option3});</script>
var player=videojs("example_video_1", { license: "key" });
<script>var player=videojs("example_video_1");var nuevo_plugin_options = { option1: value, option2: value, option3: value };player.nuevo( nuevo_plugin_options );</script>
<script>var player_options = { license: "key", option1: value, option2: value, option3: value };var player = videojs("example_video_1", player_options });player.nuevo();</script>
Nuevo plugin has built-in feature to define multiple video sources encoded at different resolution and an option to switch between them later.
Set patameter `default` for video that you want to play first. Videos with resolution 720p or higher are marked with HD small icon.If you offer video quality switch between 2 video files only, where one is of some lower quality and second is of HD quality, instead of numeric resolution label you can use "SD" and "HD" labels (see example below.)Code snippet
<video id="example_video_1" class="video-js" controls preload="auto" width="640" height="360" poster="//"><source src="//" type="video/mp4" res="240" label="240p" /><source src="//" type="video/mp4" res="360" label="360p" /><source src="//" type="video/mp4" res="480" default label="480p"/><source src="//" type="video/mp4" res="720" label="720p"/></video>Code snippet
<video id="example_video_1" class="video-js" controls preload="auto" width="640" height="360" poster="//"><source src="//" type="video/mp4" default res="SD" label="SD" /><source src="//" type="video/mp4" res="HD" label="HD" /></video>For HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) and MPEG-DASH Nuevo plugin populates quality button and menu automaticallu, if only master playlist (m3u8, mpd) includes reference to multiple, different resolution playlists.
Check Adaptive Bitrate HLS and MPEG-DASH playback examples using videojs and Nuevo plugin.
Nuevo plugin fires "nuevoReady" event when all controls and plugin functions loaded. Ready method is familiar to anyone who has used jQuery before.Nuevo plugin fires resolutionchange event on change with resolution label parameter. You can use it for any purpose through javascript code.Code snippet
<script>player.on('nuevoReady', function(){this.addClass('my-class');});</script>One of most valuable Nuevo plugin options is method to change video source programatically. It was described in detail on our blog page change video source and captions.Code snippet
<script>player.on('resolutionchange', function(event, data){var resolution = data.res;var video_id =;);</script>Another unique Nuevo plugin options is method to load VTT chapters or captions programatically. Yoy can call this function on video "loadeddata" event.Code snippet
<script>player.changeSource( {src: "//", type: "video/mp4"} );</script>Code snippet
<script>player.on('loaadeddata', function(){player.loadTracks( { kind:"chapters", src:"//", srclang:"en"} );player.loadTracks( {kind:"captions", src:"//"),srclang:"en",label:"English"});});</script>Playlist methods and events.
Playlist media change event with new item ID.Code snippet
<script>player.on('playlist_change', function(event,data) {var new_item =;});</script>Some other methods charateristic for Nuevo plugin.
Videojs player is available in multiple languages. Since Nuevo plugin includes many new features, you may want to update language tranalations for new text strings.This tutorial shows how to extend certain language file, load and use language localized strings.