Sharing Video

The Nuevo plugin includes a feature with a few sharing options accessible through the Settings Button menu. The sharing container includes an option for a permalink to the website URL with original video, a video embed code, and five icons to share video on the most popular social networks. There are a few parameters that you need to define for sharing purposes.

  • tittle - Title of the video. If not defined, the Nuevo plugin will attempt to get it from the current website meta title tag.
  • url - Website URL with the original video. Not defined by default,
  • embed - Embed code of the current video to copy & paste on any external website or a blog. By default it is not defined.
Check the Nuevo plugin's example setup code with options for sharing purposes.
Code snippet
var player = videojs('example_video_1', {license: "key"});
title: 'This is video title',
url: '//',
embed: '<iframe src="embed-player-url" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'