On this page, we use a container divided into 2 columns: 70% and 30% of full width. When the theater button is clicked for the first time, it fires a "large" value. This is a signal to enlarge both columns to 100% width. When the theater button is clicked again, it fires the "normal" value, and columns are resized back to their original size. The initial CSS is like this:
Code snippet
#left_column {width:70%;float:left;}#right_column {width:30%;float:left;}
Code snippet
<script>var player = videojs('example_video_1');player.nuevo({theaterButton: true});player.on('mode',function(event,mode) {if(mode=='large') {document.querySelector("#left_column").style.width='100%';document.querySelector("#right_column").style.width='100%';} elseif(mode=='normal') {document.querySelector("#left_column").style.width='70%';document.querySelector("#right_column").style.width='30%';}});</script>