Videojs & Nuevo plugin Settings Menus


Manage settings menus

The Settings button enables access to the menu with different Nuevo plugin's features like Related videos, Sharing options, Speed control, Zoom control, etc.
You can decide to switch off each single menu using the appropriate Nuevo plugin's option. By default, all menus are enabled (true), except for the qualityMenu (false), which is displayed as a separate menu in the control bar by default. The Related menu will not appear if related videos are not defined. If the qualityMenu option is enabled (true), it becomes part of the settings menu instead of a separate menu.

  • settingsButton (true)
  • relatedMenu (true)
  • shareMenu (true)
  • rateMenu (true)
  • zoomMenu (true)
  • qualityMenu (false)
  • controlbar (true)
Settings Button Settings Quality Menu
Related Menu Share Menu Speed Menu Zoom Menu

Videojs and Nuevo plugin code setup

To disable one or more menus, set the appropriate menu to false.
To disable the settings button completely, including all menus, simply set the option settingsButton to false.
If the qualityMenu option is enabled, the settingsButton will appear automatically, even if it is disabled.

Code snippet
var player = videojs('example_video_1');