Nuevo version 9.4.0 released
Latest version 9.4.0 of Nuevo software has been released on March 10, 2022
- Standard javascript Hlsjs plugin has benn updated to make use of latest Hls.js version v. 1.1.5. In React, Vue, Nextjs environment you need to import Hls.js separately, best latest version.
- New nuevo-dash plugin released. This is alternative handler to play DASH/MPEG streams, based on latest dash.js library v. 4.3.0. Demo is available here.
This is like continuation of outdated videojs-contrib-dash plugin, which originally is missing a lot of important functionality. In React, Vue, Nextjs environment you need to import any Dash.js version 4.x. - Nuevo option video_id has been extended. As far this was Nuevo plugin's option only, now also available to set as video source parameter. New Nuevo plugin's function allows to get current video ID programmatically and use it for any purpose. This demo shows how to setup Unique ID vor video.
- New Nuevo plugin's option controlbar allows to hide player's control bar in easy way. You may test this option on this demo page.