Videojs default (English) language

Changing the videojs player language is relatively easy and well described, including demo and tutorial on website.

But what about default English language texts? How to change one or two texts that you may find more accurate?

Nuevo plugin for Video.js v 13.0.0 released

After one year, a new major version 13.0.0 of the Nuevo software for Video.js has been released!

A primary reason for launching a major version of the software is a new license system based on a license key. Managing the Nuevo plugin for multiple registered domains by the same user is now significantly easier.

Nuevo v 12.0.0 for video.js major release

We are proud to announce the new major release of the Nuevo Software 12.0.0.

There are only a few new things in the new release, but several serious changes make this version quite different from the previous one.

New version 11.3.0 of Nuevo software released!

New version of Nuevo software v 11.3.0 was just released.

This time we focused on optimizing CSS skins and on improving the player's accessibility for for blind users or user with low vision.

Nuevo plugin v 11.2.0 arrived

Nuevo plugin and skins, new minor version 11.2.0 has been just published. Mainly, it includes update to all skins. Most of button menus in control bar now are showing menu title. Menu for each skin is of exactly the same maximum height (it's important for small size players, e.g. on the mobile device in portrait mode).

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