MP4 videos are preferred over HLS for videos to use the VR plugin.
A single bitrate (MP4 or HLS) is required for 360/VR playback.
High-resolution video is required since only a small part of the video is rendered in the player at one time.
CORS enabled on the streaming server is required if it's not the production server. Additionally you must set crossorigin="anonymous" attribute for the <video> element.
On iOS, you need to set the preload attribute for the <video> element to render video correctly.
The 360°/VR plugin does not work with the iOS native player. It is recommended to set the playsinline <video> attribute for non-fullscreen video playback.
The 360°/VR plugin does not work with multiple players on the same page. Multiple iframed players will function correctly.
The 360°/VR plugin does not support DRM.
The 360°/VR animation speed and performance depend mainly on the machine's CPU and browser.