Add preview thumbnails from VTT file
The separate thumbnails plugin supports the loading of preview thumbnails from a WebVTT file. WebVTT is a plain text format, part of the HTML5 standard, that is mainly used for providing closed captions and chapters. You can also use the VTT specification to define preview thumbnails and display them over the progressbar based on a list of VTT cues. The VTT metadata file contains links to the actual thumbnail image, which can be in JPG, PNG, or GIF format.To use the thumnails plugin, you must load it first, right after the video.js script, e.g.
Code snippet
<script src="/videojs/video.min.js"></script> <script src="/videojs/nuevo.min.js"></script> <script src="/videojs/plugins/thumbnails.min.js"></script>
Code snippet
<script> let player = videojs("my_player_id"); player.nuevo(); player.thumbnails({ src:"vtt-thumbnails-url" }) </script>
Code snippet
<script> let player = videojs("my_player_id"); player.nuevo(); player.thumbnails(); player.on('loadeddata',function(){ var tracks=[ {kind:'metadata',src:"//path-to-thumbnails-vtt-file"}, {kind:'captions',src:"//path-to-captions-vtt-file",srclang:"en",label:"English", default:1}, {kind:'captions',src:"//path-to-captions-vtt-file",srclang:"de",label:"German" } ] player.loadTracks(tracks); }); </script>
Thumbnails from single images.
For each thumbnail, you must prepare a single image in JPG, PNG, or GIF format. Though it is suggested to keep the same size for each image, it can also be a different size, but you should keep the same display ratio for each image. In the VTT file, just enter the image path (relative or absolute) for each time cue.Code snippet
00:00.000 --> 00:05.000 /assets/thumbnail_1.jpg
00:05.000 --> 00:10.000 /assets/thumbnail_2.jpg
00:10.000 --> 00:15.000 /assets/thumbnail_3.jpg
00:15.000 --> 00:20.000 /assets/thumbnail_4.jpg
Code snippet
player.thumbnails({ src:"vtt-thumbnails-url", width:192, height:108 });
Thumbnails from sprite image
To limit file size, avoid loading delays, and limit the number of server requests, the thumbnails plugin supports Thumbnail Sprites - multiple thumbnails in one tiled image. In the VTT file, the individual thumbnails are identified by appending their coordinates to the thumbnail URL, e.g.Code snippet
00:00.000 --> 00:05.000 /assets/thumbnails.jpg#xywh=0,0,160,90
00:05.000 --> 00:10.000 /assets/thumbnails.jpg#xywh=0,160,0,90
00:10.000 --> 00:15.000 /assets/thumbnails.jpg#xywh=0,320,0,90
00:15.000 --> 00:20.000 /assets/thumbnails.jpg#xywh=0,480,0,90
If relative paths are used for thumbs, you may need to define the
basePathplugin's option.
Code snippet
player.thumbnails({ basePath: "global-path-or-url", src:"vtt-thumbnails-url" });
Code snippet
player.nuevo({ ghostThumb:true }) player.thumbnails({ src:"vtt-thumbnails-url" });
We also prepared our own bash script to generate a tiled image from video and a VTT file with one command. It is free to download and use by logged-in users below.