By default, the current time is displayed in 12 hour format "hh:mm". Optionally, you can display current time in 24 hour format. You can also order to display the current time with seconds "hh:mm:ss".
Default current time is a user's local time. Optionally, you can request to display the time in different time zones. The last option available to set is language-sensitive representation of the current time. You can test more options below.
<script src="//"></script><script src="//"></script><script src="//"></script>
<script>var player = videojs('my_player_id", {license: "key"});player.nuevo();player.liveclock({seconds:true,timeZone:"America/NewYork"});</script>
player.timeZone("Australia/Sydney");player.clockHours(24); // change hour formatplayer.clockSeconds(true) //seconds switch onplayer.clockLocale("ja-JP");