Video Autoplay

The simplest way to automatically play media content is to add the autoplay attribute to your <audio> or <video> element.
Code snippet
<video class="video-js vjs-fluid" controls autoplay playsinline>
Unfortunately, due to the latest autoplay browser's policies, autoplay is only allowed after user interaction (touch or click) or in desktop browsers when the user has previously played video with sound on a certain domain. Also, most of browsers support autoplay if video or audio is muted. Additionally, iOS requires playsinline attribute.

Generally, we recommend avoiding autoplay. However, if you insist on autoplay functionality, thr Nuevo plugin features automatic detection of autoplay support in the browser.
  • If autoplay is supported - the player will play
  • If autoplay is allowed only when <video> or <audio> is muted - the player will play muted content, muted button will appear over player to easily unmute content.
  • If muted autoplay fails - the player will be paused and big play icon displayed.
Muted autoplay on mobile devices (iOS, Android) usually requires "playsinline" (iOS) and "preload" (Android) attributes of the <video> or <audio> element.

When the player starts playback muted, a big mute icon appears by default, centered on the player. If you prefer not to show such icon, you can set appropriate nuevo plugin option.
Code snippet
const player = videojs("my_player_id");
Code snippet
const player = videojs("my_player_id", {automuteButton:false});
For the live video it is suggested to set video attribute "preload="auto".