Audio ID3 Reader

The ID3 plugin, launched in version 12.5 of the Gold and Premium plans of the Nuevo software, allows the user to read information from ID3 tags of the audio file. The ID3 plugin allows the user to extract audio title, artist, album, album cover, genre, and year. The plugin can also extract possible synchronized (timed text) lyrics and display them at the bottom of the player.
Supported audio tag formats are ID3v1, ID3v2, MP4, and FLAC. ID3 plugin setup is easy.
Code snippet
<script sre="/videojs/video.min.js>/script>
<script sre="/videojs/nuevo.min.js>/script>
<script sre="/videojs/plugins/videojs.id3.js></script>

<audio id="my_player" class="video-js" poster="//path-to-poster.jpg" controls preload="auto" playsinline width="600" height="360">
<source src="//path-to-audio-file.mp3" type="audio/mp3">

const player=videojs("my_player", {license: "key"});
var player=player.nuevo({option:"option value"})
In the example above, information about audio is not defined separately. It is extracted from the ID3 tag (artist, title, album, year. genre and lyrics) and displayed accordingly. The lyrics are displayed at the bottom, on top of a possible equalizer. The plugin works properly with the playlist of audio items, or even with the playlist of various source types (video and audio), where the main media tag is <video>.