Video.js v. 8.0 new release
Video.js version 8.0 and Video.js HTTP Streaming (VHS) version 3.0 has been released and the latest stable version is 8.0.4, released February 2, 2023. The new release includes a lot of housecleaning tasks, and some changes that force developers to migrate their plugins and skins. The minfied and gzipped size of Video.js is reduced by around 3%, and this is probably the first step on the way to optimize the size of the Video.js even more.
Full description of the v8 version and migration guide was published on Video.js blog.
From first view we already know that each of our skins will have to be updated. Not a big change but required. Most of the plugins will still work with a v8, but certainly will be updated as well, as some of coding rules that are deprecated now will be removed. There are also 2 or 3 of Nuevodevel plugins that are not compatible with video.js v8 at all and require little bit more work to be updated.
In 1-2 weeks you can expect a new, minor version of the Nuevodevel software, which will include 2 versions, one for video.js v7 and second for video.js v8. There is no option to have one universal version.
Video.js v. 8 release means a lot of work for us, but no doubt, this is the right direction to keep the video.js project up-to-date according to modern programming rules.
After first review of the video.js v8 we some have thoughts that found important to share. Updating skins for v8 version is not a problem. The nuevo plugin and most of other plugins are also not difficult to update. However, there are 2-3 big plugins that rather will not be updated fast. This depends on video.js devs, how fast they will update v8 documentation, how fast they will update their own plugins. It' hard to predict when that might happen. Weeks, months, longer?